Monday, March 21, 2011


robin's the famous one. 
... among the mormon mom bloggers {the core of all blogging}
need i remind you of this post. or this one. {both featured on major, serious mom blogs}
i owe all blogging credit to her.
since she was the one who begged and begged and begged me to blog.

and i bought my friends followers for $30.
i don't know how many times i asked for a roll call.... with just a handful of respondents.
.... but throw the words "giveaway" and "anthropologie" out there and 105 people come running.

although, i DO have some funny stories......

Saturday, March 19, 2011

raubry's famous...

It's true. Have you checked out how many blog "Followers" she has? A few days ago she hadn't hit the 100 mark but today she has passed it. In fact, every time I check in she has more "Followers" than she did before. It's impressive...maybe it is because she is practically perfect in every way and everyone wants tips on how to be perfect like her...or maybe it is because she gives away sweet things that people want in on. Whatever the reason...I'm just proud to say I lived with her and she is one of my most favorite people in the world AND she was one of the first people to hold my very first baby. Pretty soon, she will have running advertisements replacing her "peeps" section and people will start sending her all of their sweet Etsy stuff so that she will plug it on her famous blog. And then, before you know it, she will be making all sorts of money because of her blogging skills. You all just'll'll happen.